Dubai Health Experience (DXH) is the prestigious brand conceived by the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) to strengthen Dubai’s position as a leading medical tourism destination on the world map. Dubai is already a globally renowned tourist destination as the fourth most visited city in the world. Capitalising on its popularity, the city is now working to make healthcare part of the lifestyle experience with an impressive range of premier accredited hospitals and over 35,000 healthcare professionals from 110 nationalities, all providing a warm reception to patients in their own language. The app offers access to hundreds of doctors profiles, hospital/clinic listing and comprehensive medical packages that have been created with the help of over 25 healthcare facilities that form the ‘DXH Group’ – the official group comprised of healthcare facilities participating in the Dubai medical tourism project. Each member of the group has been carefully evaluated by Dubai Health Authority to offer the very best in quality, safety and service to inbound medical tourists.
迪拜健康体验(DXH)是久负盛名的品牌由迪拜卫生局(DHA)构思加强迪拜作为世界地图上的一个领先的医疗旅游目的地的地位。迪拜已经是一个全球知名的旅游目的地,为世界第四游客最多的城市。善用它的普及,我市正努力使的生活体验医疗部分令人印象深刻的范围内首屈一指的认证的医院和110个国家超过35,000名专业医护人员,都提供了热情接待病人自己的语言。该应用程序提供访问数百个医生简介,医院/诊所上市和全面的体检套餐已拥有超过25医疗机构,形成了“DXH集团的帮助下创造的 - 参加迪拜医疗由医疗机构正式组旅游项目。该组的每个成员都有由迪拜卫生局经过精心评估,以提供在质量,安全,服务最好的入站的医疗游客。